Nick Veasey

Nestled in a lead-lined chamber in the Kent countryside, X-ray artist Nick Veasey strips away the layers of everyday life with high-energy electromagnetic radiation. Created using a real-life skeleton and machines used for medicine and industrial radiography, his ethereal imagery takes viewers on a journey to a world otherwise hidden and unseen.

X-ray art: dangerous but beautiful


Likening his art to a “forensic investigation”, Nick dismantles objects and places them on a lead surface with film behind it. Unlike medical X-rays, which typically use around 100 kilovolts, Nick’s command an impressive 200 kilovolts. To combat the lethal levels of radiation, Nick wears a lead apron and controls the exposure time in a separate room.


Cars and motorbikes


A motorcycle comprises around 60 X-rays, while a car uses 500! Nick is fascinated by the history of vintage cars and has X-rayed around 20, including an early 20th century model that was half-horse carriage and half-combustion engine. His ‘Matchless Rider’ piece was inspired by the Hollywood star Marlon Brando, who is often credited with bringing the motorcycle rebel to mainstream cinema. 


"My art is instant. You can see how things connect and tell a story. It’s like you’ve blinked and the world has tipped into X-ray."

Nick Veasey

Featured Artist

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